Sandblast Sandblaster Nozzle Abrasive Blasting Ceramic Tip Large Various Sizes

C1 Sandblast Sandblaster Nozzle Abrasive Blasting Ceramic Tip Large Various Sizes

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 Ceramic sandblasting nozzles (known  to some as C1 Series, PB Series or Type 1 nozzles) available in various orifice sizes.  These are for pressurized sandblasting units.   

These are the same style that the big deadman valves use as well as the gun assemblies we sell in our catalog.
3-3/4" long tips - the base measures 1-1/8" in diameter and tapers to 5/8" diameter at the small end.

  • 3/32" orifice requires 1-6 CFM
  • 1/8" orifice requires 7-21 CFM
  • 3/16" orifice requires 22-45 CFM
  • 1/4" orifice requires 46-80 CFM

These nozzles last much longer than the smaller ceramic nozzles used on the  Chinese pot blasters that are out there, as there is a lot more ceramic  material that must wear away before the nozzle needs replacement.